Blood contains three basic types of cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. White blood cells act as the defense of the body against any microbial aggression that tries to break the defenses of the body.
But for some reason, it is still not known, abnormal abnormal white blood cells that grow and multiply are produced to hinder the normal blood cells. Blood functions begin to deteriorate because there are not enough white, red blood cells and platelets to take the symptoms. The signs appear quickly if the cancer is of the acute type, whereas in the chronic type it develops gradually and slowly, and may not give any symptoms at first.
* Symptoms and signs should not be neglected
But whatever the type of leukemia, there are some symptoms and signs that loom should be taken seriously and not ignored, and include:
1 – fever or chills
It is a very common symptom, but found in a quarter of cases of acute leukemia, but may not be seen in the chronic type, and the presence of mild fever often indicates the presence of infection, and to a weak immune system may be related to leukemia.
2 – weakness and fatigue and fatigue
According to Dr. Mark Levis, director of the Johns Hopkins disease control program, these symptoms are caused by anemia. The disease is characterized by a worsening of the condition over time.
3 – bruising
The bruises occur suddenly and without any minor trauma, and are seen all over the body, but are more present in the limbs. Pamela Cirelli, director of the Department of Medical Oncology in the Eastern Province of America, says that bruises that are not caused by any trauma can Is a sign of leukemia. Dr. Levis explains: “The unusual appearance of bruising is due to a decrease in thrombocytopenia or disorders of the blood clotting process.”
4- Shortness of breath
The other may be a symptom of leukemia, and patients feel the more the disease progresses, and the more tired and tired, mainly due to anemia, or to the formation of cancerous secondary lung tissue.
5 – unusual bleeding
Bleeding can occur in any place, such as the gums, nose, lungs, digestive system, etc. The underlying cause is a deterioration in the number of platelets.
6 – the appearance of red feathers under the skin
They are small red spots that appear under the skin and appear to have been painted by pencil. They are caused by bleeding from the capillaries under the skin. They are painless and often unnoticeable due to their small size and position at the bottom of the legs, indicating a small number of thrombocytopenia.
7 – swelling of the gums
This swelling is a major symptom of leukemia, and its presence in conjunction with other symptoms should prompt the patient to consult the doctor for the necessary tests. The patient may not feel pain from the swelling, but he feels discomfort and discomfort due to swelling of the gums.
8. Rashes
It appears on the skin of the patient in different and varied forms not accompanied by any itching, and spread rash around the body, and each day the patient sees forms of rash different from those seen from the previous day, and the more the development of the rash appeared more and spread to larger areas before.
9 – Pain in the upper part of the abdomen
Inflammation of the spleen can sometimes cause pain in the upper left corner of the abdomen where the spleen is.
10. Sense of early fullness
Inflammation of the spleen is one of the signs of chronic leukemia, sometimes acute leukemia, and the enlarged spleen can strain the stomach, making the patient feel full of the early swallowing of a few meals.
11. Headaches
Some people may suffer from severe bouts of headaches caused by anemia or intracranial hemorrhage due to leukemia.
12 – severe drought
It indicates the presence of anemia, or that the disease has reached an advanced stage to the point that the patient complains of excessive fatigue so that he gets infected without exerting any effort.
13 – night sweats
It is usually caused by the infection that is linked to leukemia, so everyone who sweats and wet the covers of his bed should inquire about the cause.
14. Bone pain
It can be in the spine, ribs or joints, which is fairly rare, but it is possible in both types of acute and chronic leukemia, a disturbing symptom, so it is important to talk to your doctor no matter how severe the pain.
15. Inflammation of the lymph nodes
Painless swelling in the glands does not decrease in size, in areas such as the neck, under the armpits, and calls for medical consultation without delay.
16. Recurrent infection
Blood cancer causes a decrease in the number of white blood cells. The patient suffers from recurrent infections in certain areas of the body such as the ear, throat, skin, and lung. This indicates that the immune system is not functioning efficiently.
17.Weight loss
Weight loss without obvious justification can be a sign of leukemia. Every person who is constantly losing weight, without any change in his or her dietary and physical habits, should take the doctor’s opinion without hesitation.
These are briefly the symptoms and warning signs of leukemia, which infiltrates the body without much fuss, hence the importance of awareness of these symptoms and signs, and visit the doctor immediately if concern about any one, especially when there are risk factors such as exposure to chemicals, and the existence of family history, White skin, aging, and smoking. Early diagnosis of the disease is the main building block in treatment and recovery.
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