9 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Colon Cancer

9 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Colon Cancer

Learn about the most important rules and tips that are important to apply to protect yourself from colon cancer.

Protect yourself from colon cancer

The incidence of colorectal cancer is frequent, and may be due to daily habits and nutritional damage to the colon, along with some reasons and different risk factors, so we give you some tips to help protect yourself from the disease.

1 – Sports

I’ve heard this advice a lot, but it really does reduce your risk of many different diseases like colon cancer.

So try to incorporate sport into your daily system, starting with 10 minutes so you can get 30 minutes of sports a day.

2. Maintain a healthy weight

Excessive body fat increases the risk of colon cancer.

According to various scientific studies, the fat accumulated in the abdominal area specifically plays a role in the increased risk of this type of cancer.

It is therefore necessary to lose excess weight in order to reach and maintain healthy weight.

3 – the intake of dietary fiber

Dietary fiber contributes significantly to reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Scientific studies have found that eating 10 grams of dietary fiber a day, about a cup of pulses, reduces the risk of colon cancer by about 10%.

Reduce red meat

And processed and processed in particular, many of which contribute to raising the risk of colon cancer.

Try not to exceed the weekly quota of red meat for 0.5 kg, and avoid meat entirely processed.

5. Stay away from drinking alcohol

Alcohol intake is associated with many health risks, including increased risk of colorectal cancer in men and women.

It is therefore necessary to keep away from drinking alcohol, or limit it.

Do not forget to eat garlic

Garlic intake was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

So try to include it in your daily diet and use in cooking, and can eat raw garlic cloves as well.

7. Quit smoking

If you are a smoker, it is important to quit smoking, as it is associated with many different health conditions, such as colorectal cancer.

Scientific studies have shown that smokers are more likely to develop this type of cancer than non-smokers.

8. Do not neglect symptoms

It is important to know the symptoms of colon cancer well, and do not neglect any of them if they appear.

The main symptoms of colon cancer are:

  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Change the shape of the stool
  • Mixing the stool with blood
  • Abdominal pain accompanied by gas
  • Weakness and general fatigue
  • Sudden and unexplained weight loss
  • Anorexia.

It is important to note that not all patients show these symptoms, may be accompanied by anemia sometimes, so consult your doctor immediately.

9 – Under examination

It is important to undergo colon cancer screening to protect yourself from infection, or early detection, which increases the chances of recovery.

It is necessary to start these tests after the age of 50, according to the doctor’s instructions

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