Diet will play a vital role in lowering cholesterol. Those are some foods to improve cholesterol and protect the heart.
Can a bowl of oatmeal reduce your cholesterol? What do you think of a small number of almonds? A few minor adjustments to your diet – along with exercise and other heart-friendly habits – can help you lower your cholesterol.
Oats oat bran and fiber-rich foods
Oats contain soluble fiber which lowers LDL cholesterol, which is “bad” cholesterol Soluble fiber is also found in foods such as beans Brussels sprouts apples and pears.
Dissolved fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream. Five to ten grams of soluble fiber per day can reduce your LDL cholesterol. One serving of oatmeal or oat bran cereals provides 3 to 4 grams of fiber. If you add fruit, like bananas or berries, you will get more fiber.
Fish and omega-3 fatty acids
Fatty fish contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce your triglycerides – in the blood – and can reduce blood pressure and the risk of blood clotting. For people who are already experiencing heart attacks, omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of sudden death.
Omega-3 fatty acids do not affect levels of LDL cholesterol But because of the other benefits of these acids for the heart, the American Heart Association recommends eating at least, two fish a week, Dry or dry fish cooking helps avoid unhealthy fats.
The highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids are found in:
tuna fish
Foods such as walnuts linseed oil, and canola oil contain small amounts of omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 supplements and fish oil, are available Please discuss with your doctor before taking any supplements.
Almonds and other nuts
Hazelnut and other nuts can improve blood cholesterol , NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A diet supplemented with the Ain al-Jamal nuts can reduce the risk of heart complications to people who have already had a heart attack, a recent study found, All nuts contain a high-calorie content so you can add a handful to the salad or take it as a snack and will do the trick.
Avocados are a powerful source of nutrients, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) Research suggests that adding avocados daily to a healthy heart diet can help improve low-density lipoprotein levels in people who are overweight or obese.
People tend to recognize the avocado in the guacamole salad, which is usually eaten with high-fat corn flakes, Try adding avocado slices to salad dishes and sandwiches or as a side dish Also, try guacamole with raw vegetables cut like cucumber slices.
Replacing saturated fats such as those found in meat, with monounsaturated fatty acids is part of the system, which makes the cardiovascular system of the heart-healthy.
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